Lakeland Terrier Info & Lakeland Terrier Breeders

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The Lakeland Terrier is a dog breed, which takes its name from its home of origin, the Lake District in England. The dog is a small to mid-size member of the Terrier family. While independent in personality, it interacts well with owners and all family members, and is mostly hypo-allergenic (non shedding). The breed is not widely owned in the United States.

The dogs are friendly, bold, and confident. Shyness is very atypical, as is aggressiveness. Very intelligent and independent minded, they are quick to learn and easy to train though Lakelands often exhibit 'selective deafness' when their interest level is aroused. The Lakeland is quite receptive to crate training. As with most terriers, the Lakeland is energetic; daily exercise and playtimes are a must, lest this active dog seek out other outlets for their energy, with undesirable results for the owner.

At 7–8 kg, it is the smallest of the long legged, black and tan terriers. The Lakeland is similar in appearance to the slightly larger Welsh Terrier and is finer-boned. The largest of the threesome in this similar group of Terriers is the Airedale. The Lakeland is a sturdy dog, compact, free moving and able to cover ground with little effort and much quickness. The dog is relatively narrow in the chest and has a broad muzzle, yet slightly narrower than the Welsh Terrier, with small, V-shaped ears.

Source: Wikipedia

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Registered Lakeland Terrier Breeders