Cesky Terrier Info & Cesky Terrier Breeders

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The Cesky Terrier ( literally Czech Terrier) is a small terrier type dog originating in Czechoslovakia. 


The breed standard calls for a calm dog, and aggression is a disqualifying fault. Cesky Terriers are reputed to be less active and quieter than other terriers. This may or may not make them suitable pets for families with children.


The coat of the Cesky Terrier is not stripped (dead hair pulled out with the fingers or a special knife) as in other terriers, but rather is clippered. The body and tail are clipped, and the furnishings (hair that hangs down under the body) are left long, as is the hair on the lower legs and on the face (eyebrows, beard, and moustache.) The longer hair should be brushed daily.


The Cesky Terrier is a well-muscled, short legged, well-pigmented, hunting terrier of a rectangular format. The Cesky has natural drop ears, a natural tail, and sports a long, silky with slight texture coat in shades of gray from charcoal to platinum (black pigmented) or rarely brown (liver pigmented). The Cesky is longer than it is tall and has a topline that rises slightly to the rear.


Source: Wikipedia

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Registered Cesky Terrier Breeders