Hungarian Vizsla Info & Hungarian Vizsla Breeders

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Medium sized and elegantly built, the Hungarian Vizsla is an outstanding all-purpose gundog originating in the 9th century.  His easy to care for coat is richly coloured russet gold, and the Vizsla is one breed that does not have a dog smell. 


A rare breed due to destruction during and after the second World War, Vizslas have great stamina, and are happy to be outdoors in all weathers with their owners.  They are popular pets in their native Hungary, where they adapt easily to living in house or apartment.  They need mental engagement and stimulation as much as exercise, and need to be part of their owner’s world.  They thrive with clear and consistent routine.


Lively, gentle-mannered and demonstratively affectionate, fearless and with well developed protective instinct, Vizslas are an intelligent dog with very good memory, which makes them easy to train, although they are both sensitive and stubborn.  Being gentle dogs, they are great with children, but being very energetic need to be well managed.  The Vizsla is responsive to intelligent handling, and needs discipline and clear boundaries and expectations for his behaviour.  Vizslas often require compromise rather than confrontation, provided that they respect you. 


Not all people are suited to Vizslas, but those who are tend to be fanatical about them!


Hungarian Vizsla health

Healthwise, Vizslas have few major health concerns as a breed.  There can be individual issues, and temperament varies between different bloodlines, so it is important to discuss history and temperament with your breeder.

Photo credits:

Robyn Hanney - Metropolis Vizslas (photographers Sheridan Nilsson, Charlotte Reeves, Cabal Canine Candids)

Michael & Sandra Stuart - Abbiestar Vizslas

Ella and Friends Photography

Ruthless Photos 


Special thanks to Robyn Hanney - Metropolis Vizslas - for help with this breed information.

If you are a small scale ANKC registered breeder and would like to be listed here, just contact us or follow a few simple steps .


We welcome helpful comments and contributions to information about this breed by email

Registered Hungarian Vizsla Breeders

 Gonnylde Vizsla's - Hungarian Vizsla Breeder - Adelaide, South Australia
Here at Gonnylde our Hungarian Vizsla's are very important to us. Established in 1996 but my first pedigree dog was a Curly Coated Retriever name ... read more
Abbiestar Vizslas - Hungarian Vizsla Breeder - Melbourne, VIC
Abbiestar est 1989. Dedicated exclusively to the Hungarian Vizsla since 1993. Our Vizslas can be found in every Australian state and territory as ... read more
ATEASE POINTERS - German Shorthaired Pointers, Hungarian Vizsla, Pointer Breeder - Castle Hill, NSW
Our dogs are All Family Pets first, Show Dogs second and Hunting Companions when they can bring themselves to get off the couch. We welcome ... read more
We aim to breed quality dogs in temperament, health and natural hunting ability. They are wonderful at home with the family, friendly with people ... read more
We breed vizslas. We have been breeding them since 1995. Our pups go to pet homes, obedience, hunting and showing. We show lightly and have 2-3 ... read more
Goldchief Hungarian Vizsla's
I am a small breeder based in Sunbury. I have been breeding and showing Hungarian Vizslas for the past 10 years. I usually only have 1 litter a ... read more
TALLANGANOOK Hungarian Vizslas & German Shorthaired Pointers - Bonnie Doon, VIC
I have been involved in breeding, showing and hunting Hungarian Vizslas and German Shorthaired Pointers for the past 35 years. Our puppies are house ... read more
VizMagic - Breeder of Hungarian Vizsla Pure Bred Dogs - Melbourne, VIC
VizMagic Breeds occasionally - we breed to better the breed; carefully choose stud dogs, looking at bloodlines and to improve standards. We look for ... read more