Registered Welsh Corgi -Cardigan, Pembroke Breeders in NSW

Find Welsh Corgi -Cardigan, Pembroke breeders in NSW offering healthy, well-socialised puppies.

Joem Corgis - Welsh Corgi (Pembroke) Breeder, NSW
Joem corgis are a small breeding kennel and pride ourselves in breeding quality puppies with lovely temperament and type.
Our corgis are much loved members of the family and are raised on acreage with our 3 young children and variety of animals. We ... read more
Llondee Corgis - Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Dog Breeder
Breeder/ Exhibitor of quality Welsh Cardigan Corgis.

Welsh Cardigan Corgis are incredibly versatile little dogs. They are a joy to own, are easily trainable - being a working dog, and are great as loved loyal family pets. They thrive on human ... read more
Nireno Kennels -  Pembroke Corgi Breeder - Oberon, NSW
Pembroke corgis bred and/or owned by Nireno are consistently successful on the international stage, recording championship titles and significant wins in the UK, US, Latin America, Italy, Ireland, France, Austria, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Austria, ... read more