Registered Newfoundland Breeders in NSW

Find Newfoundland breeders in NSW offering healthy, well-socialised puppies.

Blackbears Newfoundlands - Newfoundland Breeder - NSW
My commitment to the breed is that I will breed for soundness and temperament and not convenience. My girls will be health screened including Hip / Elbow Scoring / DNA / Cystinuria / Cardiac cleared by echocardiogram as per the bitches lines that I ... read more
Granpaws - Newfoundland & French Bulldog Breeder - Tahmoor, NSW
I am a breeder of Newfoundland's and French bulldogs I have been breeding for 10 yrs and helping people find the right breed of dog for your family and be available for advice on these breeds.

I regularly show my dogs to show there worth and I ... read more
Magnewficent - Newfoundland Breeder - Maitland, NSW
I have been involved in thIs beautiful Breed for approximately 40 years I started showing my first newfy at 18 and never looked back. We have a small kennel in Woodville NSW and our dogs are very much apart of our lives. We continue to strive ... read more
Newfcastle Newfoundland Breeder - NSW
Quality puppies from health tested parents sometimes available Best in show winning stock, see the parents, members of DogsNSW. read more