Registered St. Bernard Breeders in QLD

Find St. Bernard breeders in QLD offering healthy, well-socialised puppies.

Bernedale have bred over 100 Champions, 6 Dual Champions, 6 Grand Champions and 1 Supreme Champion.
We do not breed just to satisfy a pet market, but only when we want something from a particular sire and dam ourselves, as such health and ... read more
Draycan Kennels - St Bernard & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breeder - Brisbane, QLD
Longstanding breeder of Quality Saint Bernards est 1989 and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels est 2003. Producing type, balance and sound dogs both in mind and body never overlooking form and function.

About Draycan Kennels:
Draycan Kennels began ... read more
Salhia St.Bernards - St. Bernard Breeder - Stockleigh, QLD
Salhia is a small, family owned kennel. My husband and I have always had a love for the Breed. We Waited many years for the right time to be settled in life to start our own Kennel, In 2019 I Took to the Show world Where the real love of being in ... read more