Registered Belgian Shepherd Breeders in QLD

Find Belgian Shepherd breeders in QLD offering healthy, well-socialised puppies.

Belgians @ Belgenbeau - Belgian Shepherd Breeder - Qld
Breeder of quality Belgian Shepherds since 1980. FCI international judge. Groenendael~Laekenois~Malinois~Tervueren read more
Chamshep Kennels - Belgian, Australian Shepherds Breeder - South East QLD
Breeder and exhibitors of all varieties of Australian Shepherds, Belgian Shepherds. We have participated in many aspects of the dog world for over 30 years.

Our dogs are a part of our family and enjoy a wide variety of activities such as ... read more
Mirribandi Belgian Shepherds - Belgian Shepherd Breeder - Ipswich, QLD
Groenendael & Tervueren breeders, exhibitors and owners. Established 1991.
We love the breed, and we show, sheep herd, lure course, and do all sorts of fun stuff with our dogs.
Our dogs are hip scored, elbow scored, eye tested, heart ... read more
Tyr Malinois Australia
TYR Malinois Kennels Australia is a Malinois breeder specialising in the exceptional Working Belgian Malinois breed. We breed purebred FCI Working line Belgian Malinois from the best European lines.

Our intent is to breed a healthy, motivated, ... read more