Registered Clumber Spaniel Breeders in Australia

Find Clumber Spaniel breeders in Australia offering healthy, well-socialised puppies.

Bayparque Kennels - Basset Hound and Clumber Spaniel Breeder - Auckland, New Zealand
At Bayparque we strive to produce Bassets and Clumbers that are sound, have awesome temperaments, and are as close to the breed standard as possible.

Bassets and Clumbers share many personality traits. They are delightful breeds and will bring any ... read more
Kangala Kennels -  Pug, Cavalier  King Charles Spaniel - Sydney, NSW
We have exhibited and bred dogs since 1974, with many lovely dogs have lived their lives at our home. Kerry is a licensed ANKC judge - Toy, Hound, Gundog,Utility and Non-Sporting Groups.

Our dogs have won many Best Exhibit in Show awards and I ... read more
Westobri Kennels - Rottweiler breeders Adelaide, SA
Westobri Kennels est 1974
We are a family run hobby kennel ANKC regististered in 1974 by Jill and the late Terry O'Brien and now owned by Liam O'Brien and Jill

We have been active over the years in Obedience Dog Sports and showing in the Specialty ... read more