More listings for country-kats-k9s-rescue
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For Adoption Ideal family member - Full of fun, Rescue Pup Patches
Patches is currently in foster care with Country Kats and k9s rescue.
Patches is about 9 mths old. He is a mix of breeds but we feel koolie Cross, possibly Kelpie or something smaller as he is on the smaller side of medium, not as big as an adult ... read more
For Adoption Best friend material - Kelpie Cross
Cash is a 2 year old male kelpie cross rescued from a rural pound in New South Wales. If a title could be given for the friendliest dog Cash would win hands down!

This gorgeous boy absolutely loves people and will shadow you around the house and ... read more
For Adoption Bonnie - Companion and Bestie
Bonnie is currently in foster care with Country Kats and k9s rescue. Bonnie is a corgi cross, 2 and a half yrs old. She is under knee height but quite a solid little dog weighing about 14 kilos.

Bonnie is a great little dog and ideal companion for ... read more
For Adoption Beautiful Brindle Josie will be your next very best friend!
Sweet, swert Josie! Currently in care with country Kats and k9s rescue. Josie was rescued from a rural pound in New South Wales. When she came into care she was a little timid and very underweight.
A mix of breeds, predominantly Dane or Ridgeback ... read more
For Adoption Tuscany: Koolie x Family pet
Tuscany is in care with country Kats and k9s rescue. One of a litter of koolie cross border collie pups that we rescued from a rural New South Wales pound.

Tuscany has a soft and sweet temperament. Her stunning.
Coat is short and low maintenance. ... read more
For Adoption Poppy is soft and affectionate, loves a game and quality people time!
Poppy is looking for love and affection. Currently in care with Country Kats and k9s rescue, she is crate trained, travels well in the car, walks fairly well on lead. She often approaches people asking for a Pat and a cuddle. Poppy needs a backyard ... read more
For Adoption Elsie : sweet small active loving pup
Gorgeous Elsie very social little pup, crate trained, walks on lead, and a pocket rocket at around 5kg. Elsie is a busy little girl, looking for a family to love. Elsie loves a boot scoot around the yard first thing in the morning followed by ... read more
For Adoption Nelly - seeks loving, active family.  Kelpie x pup.
Nelly was dumped at a NSW pound . She is currently in foster care with Country Kats and k9s rescue.
She will need some basic training, a yard for games and inclusion in family activities and adventures. Nelly would be fine as a companion or sibling ... read more
For Adoption CHARACTER Plus - Male Greyhound
Sandy is an X Racer currently in care with Country Kats and k9s rescue. Sandy is one of the nicest dogs we have had the pleasure of fostering.
He leans against your leg so you can drape yourself over his back and give him a belly sctarch.

There ... read more
For Adoption Companion and Best Friend - Male Kelpie
Rover is a kelpie. He was surrendered to a New South Wales Rural pound along with another dog. We believe he has come from a working background on a property. Rover is so full of life! Is very keen, wants to be involved, is always watching for cues ... read more