Good Dog Behaviour & Training - Dog Trainer & Behaviourist - Melbourne, VIC

Dog & Puppy Training, Puppy School - Melbourne VIC

Good Dog is a professional dog training and behaviour consultancy, born and based in Melbourne. Our mission is simple - to make dog training accessible and fun and easy to understand so that Melbourne's dogs get to go more places, more often.

We love what we do - every day, we are given the opportunity to be invited into the homes of Melbourne's dogs and their people to see firsthand the results of goals realised through improved communication, a little understanding of how dogs learn and better relationships, making living together easier.

We work with all kinds of dogs and their families, and our focus on private training ensures that even the busiest professionals with the tightest schedules can make the most of our services, and all in the comfort of their own homes.

To find out more about our services please visit our website.

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Get in touch

+61 439 331 354
Location: Melbourne VIC


Training, Obedience, Bhaviour
Perfect Pets
Member since 2020