Dwarf Lop and Plush Lop Breeder, Hawkesbury area

Dwarf Lop, Plush Lop Pet Products & Supplies - NSW

We are a small Rabbitry dedicated to breeding quality pedigree Dwarf and Plush Lop Rabbits. Recentlly we were invited by the breed originator, Christine Toyer to include several of our young Plush Lops in a Presentation held in conjunction with the Australian National Rabbit Council annual show in Canberra for accreditation of the Plush Lop breed. We are very proud that our rabbits helped in finally getting the Plush Lop breed approved as a new breed. A world first. We successfully exhibit locally in the Sydney area. Stock sometimes available for sale to pet and/or show homes.

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Get in touch

Location: NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Applegum Rabbitry
Clubs & Assoc: Rabbit Fanciers NSW, Rabbit Breeders NSW, Plush Lop Society


Products & Accessories
Breeder - Rabbits
For: Rabbits - Dwarf Lop - Plush Lop
Perfect Pets
Member since 2017