Blue Mountains Rabbit Club

Dwarf Lop, English Spot, Harlequin, Mini Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Silver Fox, Tri Coloured Dutch, Mini Rex, Rabbits Rabbit Breeder - Faulconbridge NSW

This group is a social club that is concerned about education. Has seminars on breeds and rabbit basics as well as breeding and showing.

Educating, Socialising and making friends within the rabbit community.

This profile viewed by 11.1k pet lovers

Get in touch

Location: 6 Bellevue Road Faulconbridge Faulconbridge NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Clubs & Assoc: RBA NSW, Animal Care Australia, The Rabbit Sanctuary, Blue Mountains Rabbit Club


Breeder - Rabbits
Clubs, Groups, Associations
Breeder - Small Pets
For: Rabbits - Dwarf Lop - English Spot - Harlequin - Mini Lop - Netherland Dwarf - Silver Fox - Tri Coloured Dutch - Mini RexSmall Animals - Rabbits
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015