Malibu Cavy Stud - Guinea Pig Breeder - Northern Suburbs, Sydney

Guinea Pigs Guinea Pig Breeder - NSW

A small select stud on Sydney's Northern Beaches -believing in quality over quantity.

Breeding and Exhibiting:
BUFFS - Self, Satin, Crested & American.
ROANS - Black and Buff

Be sure to check out the photos on my facebook page and "like" Malibu Cavies

Malibu Cavy Stud was registered in the mid 1990s and is a small select stud located in Sydney Australia. I try to keep no more than 40 cavies at any one time and currently breed and exhibiting Self, Satin and Crested Buff, American Crested Buff, Black and Buff Roans.

I am currently on the NSWCC committee - The Entries Secretary and Point Scorer - and have been doing these two positions since 2003. I am also currently training to be a Judge.

Over the years I have been fortunate with my cavy breeding - producing many consistent Best in Show winning cavies. Many have gone onto become Champions, Double Champions and Grand Champions

I have had success at shows, including Best Marked, Self & Crested at the National Show, Best and Reserve in Shows at the Sydney Royal, Reserve in Show at the South Australian Championship, Reserve in Show at the North Coast National as well as Best and Reserve in Group winners in Victoria and Queensland Title Shows.

My Black Roans have won the "Imagine" Trophy for Best Roan at the National since its debut in 2010.

Malibu 100% American Beauty also won the Charlie Bower Perpetual Trophy for Best American Crested at the National in 2014 - the first non-golden American to do so.

Past photos and results of the cavies previously shown can be seen on my website

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Get in touch

Location: NSW
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Clubs & Assoc: NSW Cavies Club


Breeder - Guinea Pigs
Breeder - Small Pets
For: Guinea PigsSmall Animals - Guinea Pigs
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015