Plumbago WA Pygmies -Registered Pygmy Goat Breeder - National Pygmy Goat Association of Australia Inc

Farm Animal Breeder - Bullsbrook WA

Plumbago Stud is recognised as a Foundation Breeder of Miniature Goat Breeder and now has specialised into the breeding of the genuine Pygmy Goat. Plumbago Stud is a Registered Breeder with National Pygmy Goat Association of Australia. We have been involved in an AI program to improve the pedigrees of Pygmy goats breed in Western Australia at Plumbago Stud for seven years. We are very proud to announce our Stud Buck of US Genetics is a 100% Full Blood Pygmy Buck. Only two Full Blood Bucks are in Western Australia. All animals sold from Plumbago are registered and their pedigrees available at the time of purchase. We pride ourselves on breeding genuine pygmy goats who are bred to comply with the NPGAA Standards of a Pygmy Goat. We sell kids at 10 - 12 weeks old, breeding Does and breeding bucks. All enquiries welcome

Member of :
Miniature Goat Breeders Association
State Representative of Miniature Goat Breeders Assn
Foundation Breeder of Miniature Goats & Pygmy Goats

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Get in touch

Location: Bullsbrook Perth WA
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Plumbago Pygmy Goats
Supply/Source: National Pygmy Goats Association Breeder PYG0002
Clubs & Assoc: Registered Breeder with National Pygmy Goat Association of Australia Inc. Recognised Foundation Breeder of Miniature Goats & Pygmy Goats in Australia


Breeder - Farm Animals
For: Farm Animals
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2017