Bevanlee Stud - Riding & Arabian Riding Pony Breeder - Tasmania

Horses & Ponies Farm Animal Breeder - Scottsdale TAS

We have been breeding for over 40 years and specialise in breeding riding and arabian riding ponies. Our aim is to breed SOUND, SHOW QUALITY ponies and galloways with TEMPERAMENT suitable for children.

Our first foal was born in 1973, after winning a service in a raffle and borrowing a mare! Bevanlee Stud was registered in 1978.
Along the way we have gained a lot of knowledge, met mares that will only show to fence posts, suffered the devastating loss of our stallion "Kabby" and watched with delight his grandchildren out winning under saddle knowing that the kids have done all the work.

For more information please visit our website.

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Get in touch

(03) 6352 7331
Location: Scottsdale TAS
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Bevanlee Stud


Breeder - Farm Animals
For: Farm Animals - Horses & Ponies
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015