Backstreet Boxers - Boxer Breeder - Cairns, QLD

Boxer Dog Breeder - Trinity Beach QLD

Our Boxers are a big part of our family they live with us, we love them and so do our children and we are strict on whom we allow into our family.
Please do not contact us about our puppies unless you have thought this through and you are able to give the best possible home for LIFE!

Our boxers are bred from championship bloodlines.

Our Boxers are DNA full profile tested and Screened for all diseases & traits that are relevant to the Boxer Breed.

This profile viewed by 6.8k pet lovers

Get in touch

Location: Trinity Beach Palm Cove,Cairns, QLD
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Backstreet
Supply/Source: BIN0002854005228


Breeder - Dogs
For: Dogs - Boxer
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2022