Maisondechat Birmans Queensland

Birman Cat Breeder - QLD

We breed chocolate, blue, and lilac birmans each year. They go to other breeders and cat lovers in Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. We are on the sunshine coast near Brisbane. Our cats have won top awards in several states and are dedicated to breeding healthy pets. We are known for having kittens and cats with excellent natures that bring joy to people. Feedback from our silents is that our commitment to handling and training kittens makes a difference. We look forward to hearing from you. PLease see our website for our colours and our facebook feed for our current breeding cats. Maisondechat Birmans

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Get in touch

Location: QLD
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Registrations & memberships

Prefix: MaisondeChat
Supply/Source: Breeder number 1407 in QLD
Clubs & Assoc: Birman Cat Club of QLD


Breeder - Cats
For: All Pets Cats - Birman
Perfect Pets verified
Perfect Pets
Member since 2021