Shire Animal Rescue - Sutherland Shire

Rabbits, Guinea Pigs Pet Rescue & Adoption, Animal welfare - Sutherland Shire NSW

SAR (Shire Animal Rescue) is a non-profit organisation with the aim to help rehabilitate, rescue and rehome orphaned, injured and lost animals within the Sutherland Shire.

Our team of volunteers' work 24/7 to help the unwanted and unloved grow into confident and happy companions. Without our volunteers dedication and the generosity of the public SAR would not be what is it today.

Please feel free to make a donation to SAR and help us rehome and rehabilitate these beautiful animals.

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Location: Sutherland Shire Waterfall,Sydney, NSW


Adoption, Rescue & Welfare
All Pets DogsCatsRabbitsGuinea PigsSmall Animals - Rabbits - Guinea Pigs
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Member since 2015