The Break Coastal Holiday Accommodation - Pet Friendly - Margaret River, WA

Pet Friendly Accommodation - Gnarabup WA

A stay at The Break offers Margaret River accommodation within a stone's throw of the beach - they're not called Margaret River Beach Houses for nothing! And whether you're a couple, a family of four or a wedding party of 70, we have a choice of eleven well-appointed holiday homes to comfortably accommodate you.

Some have lofts for accommodating extra guests, others enjoy ocean glimpses, but best of all, our Margaret River Beaches Houses are just a 500 metre walk from the beautiful Gnarabup Beach. We're also one of few self-contained Margaret River accommodation options near the beach offering resort facilities, including a sparkling pool and a fully-licensed restaurant right next door.

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Get in touch

0421 512 606
Location: 18 Riedle Drive Gnarabup Margaret River WA


Accommodation - Pet Friendly
All Pets Dogs
Perfect Pets
Member since 2018