Pet Friendly Accommodation Airlie Beach, QLD - Seabreeze Tourist Park -

Pet Friendly Accommodation - Cannonvale QLD

Seabreeze Tourist Park is in a perfect location, directly opposite the Cannonvale Beach. A leisurely stroll along the Bicentennial Walkway (along the water) and you are in the heart of Airlie Beach, with shops and restaurants on the way.

We are Pet Friendly, have 13 acres of shaded grass, and slab sites with and without power and plenty of room to pitch your tent in our camping area.

Seabreeze features:
-Pet Friendly
-Ocean Views
-Locally owned and run
-Owners on site - 24/7 plus Managers
-Huge unpowered camp area with full campers kitchen
-Abundance of wildlife in the park all year round
-Fully self contained accommodation including 2 bedroom Bungalows that are very affordable
-Extensive Tour Booking Service - we get the best standbys
-Always doing the best deals on accommodation and tours all year round
-Help Available to get you on-site
-Extensive Tour Booking Service

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Get in touch

07 4946 6379
Location: 234 Shute Harbour Road Cannonvale Cannonvale QLD


Accommodation - Pet Friendly
All Pets DogsCats
Perfect Pets
Member since 2015