Yellowdog Kennels - Labrador Retriever Breeder - Muswellbrook, NSW

Labrador Retriever Dog Breeder - NSW

Breeding of quality labradors for temperament soundness and type - accredited Breeder with dogs NSW. I have had Labradors all my life.
Our labradors are PRA & EIC tested or cleared as well as Hip and Elbow X rayed.

All yellowdog puppies are socialized with my chidren from birth. Our puppies are individually temperament tested at 6 weeks an allocated according to energy levels. We like to talk personally before agreeing to sell pups, or placing names on our wait list. Pups are all sold on limited register unless otherwise arranged.

Genuine enquiries are welcome by phone - call Mick on 0438403455

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Location: NSW
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Prefix: Yellowdog


Breeder - Dogs
For: Dogs - Labrador Retriever
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2016