Lothbrok Kennels - German Shorthaired Pointer Breeder - Launceston, TAS

German Shorthaired Pointer Dog Breeder - Launceston, TAS

We are a small family owned kennel located in Tasmania. Our dogs are our family. We have been involved with the GSP for 15 years, dabbling in the show circle with one of our girls on her way to becoming an Australian Champion, however this is not our primary focus. Our dogs are avid hunters and loyal family members enjoying the best of both worlds.

The true beauty of owning a GSP is the versatility of the breed. GSPs have exceptional ability in the disciplines of agility, obedience and tracking. An emphasis of our breeding program is to maintain the natural hunting aptitude of our GSPs. Our GSPs are bred from proven hunting and Sup Grand Champion show lines which perserves the correct breeding standard and type. You may have a great hunting dog, however we believe they need to look good with correct bone and structure.

Most importantly our GSPs make the best pets for an active at the beach, lake or river become wonderful family adventures which you will always remember. Our GSPs are well socialised incorporating the beginnings of Puppy Culture. We breed for quality not quanity, with both parents being selectively chosen to maintain all qualities of our treasured family members.

We are located in Launceston Tasmania. If you are interested in a Lothbrok German Shorthaired Pointer please give us a call or email us, happy to provide further info. Join Lothbrok Kennels Facebook group to view recent litters and speak with puppy buyers.

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Get in touch

Location: Launceston, TAS
Please read this advice before making contact

Registrations & memberships

Prefix: Lothbrok


Breeder - Dogs
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2020

Our standards & practices

Health testing & screening

Question. Do you health test appropriately (eg hip and elbow X-ray scoring, DNA testing), and understand the genetic issues that may affect your breed? If your breed is prone to health issues, what are they, and what testing practices do you have in place?
Answer. Yes.

Preparation & socialisation

Question. Do you ensure that your puppies are properly socialised?
Answer. Yes.ALL puppies socialised with our children and they all undergo Puppy Culture

Placement & matching

Question. Is making sure your puppies go to the right homes a priority? How do you ensure they are placed in loving, responsible homes?
Answer. Yes.Puppy questionnaire incorporates questions in relation to knowledge of breed, any other pets in home, renting or home buyer, preferably acerage or large space, how active the buyer is as GSP'S require a lot of exercise and time spent. Puppy training school a must with condition of sale.
Question. Do you have any of the following: conditions of sale, health guarantee or warranty, de-sexing agreement, a buyer questionnaire, verbal or personal interview?
Answer. Yes.Return to breeder contracts Desexing contracts Puppy questionnaire for buyer approval Verbal conversation and/or meeting Six weeks free puppy insurance

Ongoing support

Question. Do you offer ongoing support?
Answer. Yes.Life time breeder support and an ongoing member of Lothbrok Kennels facebook page, this way we are able to keep in touch with buyers
Question. Do you assist the buyer with re-homing an animal that was purchased from you if they are unable to keep it?
Answer. Yes.Return to breeder contracts must be signed prior to puppy leaving. If for any reason the dog requires a new home, they are to be returned to Lothbrok Kennels under the Return to Breeder contract, or rehoming of the dog must be approved by Lothbrok Kennels