Copaloadovme - Dogue de Bordeaux Breeder - West Gippsland, VIC

Dogue de Bordeaux Dog Breeder - VIC

We are a small select breeding kennel located in West Gippsland, Victoria. First and foremost our pets are a big part of our family. They have grown up on acreage and enjoy all that the rural lifestyle offers. We strive to breed happy, healthy and strong puppies.

Our Dogues have great type and temperament and are from great bloodlines. They have been Hip/Elbow scored, Genetic Full breed DNA health checked and importantly Heart certified.

Dogue de Bordeaux Puppies - Copaloadovme DDBs Kennel - Dogue de Bordeaux Breeder - Victoria

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Location: VIC
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Prefix: Copaloadovme
Supply/Source: RB148377


Breeder - Dogs
For: Dogs - Dogue de Bordeaux
Perfect Pets verified
Conducts health checks
Perfect Pets
Member since 2021